Glenham & South Wyndham

Compiled by George Taylor

This beautifully presented book, strongly focussed on the people of Glenham and South Wyndham, begins with an acknowlegement of the first settlers of the district – the Murihiku Maori – and a brief chapter on the local geology. A detailed chapter on the first Europeans to settle in the Lower Mataura Valley, Fred and Fanny Mieville, follows. It was in their little hut that the first marriage and the birth of the first European baby in the Lower Mataura Valley took place. South Wyndham was established when the land around Wyndham was settled in the 1860s and, thirty years later, the Glenham community developed with the establishment of the railway and the dairy factory. There are chapters on the schools, flax and saw mills, church, war years, store, hall, sports and Tyneholme. 120 families are recorded and the book is illustrated lavishly with 740 images including 100 pages in colour.

338 PAGES • 270x250mm • hard cover with glued jacked

$65.00 (including GST) plus freight


Contact the seller to purchase – George Taylor – email: